Changing Footnotes From Roman Numerals To Numbers In Word For Mac

I half-converted to Macs three years ago, but continued to use a PC desktop until a year ago; and on the PC, the Word default of numbering endnotes with small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii) was easy to fix, so I continued running that fix on the PC. Now I no longer have that crutch, and I've been searching all over my MacBook Pro to find a way to do it, and failing. Obviously I can do it manually: do a cut-and-paste, recreating each endnote with the proper numbering system. But I really want to LEARN how to it right!

Changing Footnotes From Roman Numerals To Numbers In Word For Mac And Cheese


Changing Footnotes From Roman Numerals To Numbers In Word For Mac Free

Changing footnotes from roman numerals to numbers in word for mac 2017

Changing Footnotes From Roman Numerals To Numbers In Word For Mac Os

Changing the Reference Marks. Most footnotes are numbered 1, 2, 3, and so on, but Word enables you to change this standard numbering format to use letters, Roman numerals, or the special reference symbols., †, ‡, and §.M. Follow these steps to change reference marks. By clicking the Lists drop-down menu, you can present a list with bullets, numbers, Roman numerals, uppercase or lowercase letters, and more. Keep clicking the choices until you find the one that makes the most sense. Creating tables: Then again, you may want to emphasize important points using a table or chart. Choose Format – Text – Table.

Changing Footnotes From Roman Numerals To Numbers In Word For Machine

Changing footnotes from roman numerals to numbers in word for mac 2008

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)

Changing Footnotes From Roman Numerals To Numbers In Word For Mac 12

Posted on Aug 8, 2013 7:44 PM

Changing Footnotes From Roman Numerals To Numbers In Word For Mac 7

Word for Windows (2010 and 2007) Word for Mac OS X (2011 and 2008) Word for Windows (2010 and 2007) To convert one or more footnotes or endnotes: Open your document and select the References tab. In the Footnotes group, click Show Notes. Select the notes you want to convert, and then right-click. Select Convert to Footnote or Convert to Endnote. Learn how to convert individual footnotes to endnotes in Microsoft Word. These steps can also be used to convert individual endnotes to footnotes. On the Insert menu, click Footnote. Under Location, click Footnotes or Endnotes, and then on the Footnotes or Endnotes pop-up menu, click the location that you want. Under Format, select the numbering options that you want, and then click Insert. Word inserts the note number and puts the cursor next to the note number in the footnote or endnote.